dea Lesson No.1: August 2005

Friday, August 26


As promised several weeks ago, we finally have a track from the new USAISAMONSTER opus 'Wohaw' up online for your listening delectation. Can you handle the nutso tomahawk spazz of Clay People? If so, we strongly suggest you pick up a copy of the album. Might as well get it straight from Load, just cos the exchange rate is so peachy.

Off to see Consumer Electronics, Prurient, and other assorted noize treats in Bristol this evening. If you don't hear from us in a few days, SEND HELP

Monday, August 22


DJ Scotch Egg is awesome. He's a little Japanese guy who lives with Shitmat down in Brighton, and he makes fantastically horrible electronic noise on a Gameboy while shouting random stuff about KFC. Curious? Of course you are. So thank Lesson No.1, who here, presents to you the first in a series of short Q&A interviews. Prepare to be enlightened!

Lesson No.1: What was your first ever experience with a Scotch Egg?
Scotch Egg: My mum used to make the best scotch eggs in Japan. In Japan it is uncommon food, so I thank my mother for everything!
L1: What sort of headspace do you have to be in to make music?
SE: KFC brain simulation.
L1: Can you tell us more about your grindcore/breakcore supergroup with Bong-Ra and others?
SE: It’s gonna be cool! Bong-Ra invited me to collaborate, hopefully we start after September. Everyone living in different parts of the world so hard to organise.
L1: Our friend Dave says he met you at 5am at the Glade festival. He said "You're Scotch Egg" and you screamed really loudly and ran off. Do you remember this?
SE: No.
L1: What are your three favorite records of 2005?
SE: Horatio Pollard, Lightning Bolt, Noxagt.

Listen to DJ Scotch Egg live in Cardiff, courtesy of

Thursday, August 18


New flyer a-go-go

Other things: influential gentleman named John Loder dies; new Lightning Bolt album slays (yes we've heard it); OMG Scotch Egg to be deported!? :''''((

Monday, August 15


More Lesson No.1 spin-off action...

Tuesday, August 9


Trust us, O children, when Lesson No.1 tells you that The USAISAMONSTER are one of the finest groups who presently roam our fragile Planet Earth. Way back in the dry-icy mists of time, when the name Lesson No.1 was nothing more than a Glenn Branca song title and we still had some money in the bank, we put on USA in Newport’s Le Pub. A towering, dreadlocked stoner dude and a gangly Garth-from-Wayne’s World lookalike with an unexpected passion for Dizzee Rascal, this Brooklyn duo rocked us to the core with a nutso blend of Native American philosophy, hit-that-bong spazz-rock, and a cover of Lynyrd Skynyrd’s ‘Freebird’ generously played on request. Now they return with a new 75-minute LP, ‘Wohaw’, forthcoming on Load Records – the label that brought you Lightning Bolt, Noxagt, and all those other great Load bands we keep on banging on about while you just smile politely and nod – and they’re going to own your ecosystem. Totally.

Also on the bill: Oriental demi-legend DJ Scotch Egg - one-off man-mental of the Adaadat family, and unswerving supporter of fast-food nutrition, from his breadcrumb-coated namesake to the finger-lickin’ chicken of KFC. Scotch Egg writes all his music on a Gameboy and sings like a Kamikaze pilot crashing a Space Harrier full of screaming microchips of into Super Mario’s luxury yacht. We got his new album 'KFC Core' this morning and it made us want to cry with happiness.

Then there’s Consumer Electronics, aka Philip Best of UK noise progenitors Whitehouse: threatened with ice-picks in the USA back in the '80s for his music of questionable content, but welcomed with open arms here, where fucked-up shit is something of a speciality. Altogether now: "What's your favourite Google search?". Riotmen, who we haven't seen yet, but spout attractive things about Shellac, the Jesus Lizard, and rowdy play in general. And finally, our Cardiff friends Gindrinker: if Ballard and Bukowski were barmen, and couldn't play bass. And let’s not forget the drum machine. All just over a month away. MP3s coming soon.