dea Lesson No.1: August 2010

Wednesday, August 11


How do you know when summer is over? Well, given the weather round here is no real guide, it's when Lesson No.1 return from our holidays in far flung lands (Canton, Roath) with another ear-breaker for you...

Specifically, in this case, on Saturday 11 September, in collaboration with the fine folk of the band PUS.

Conan are a slow ’n’ low bottomed-out doom metal juggernaut from Liverpool who have been round a few years but have only recently cooked up their first proper release, ‘Horseback Battle Hammer’, on the Aurora Borealis and Throne labels. Its four long tracks are manna from Valhalla if you like Electric Wizard, Moss, Floor or Eyehategod. They are also an object lesson in how to use heavy metal iconography without looking naff or trying too hard. Stick your cursor this way for back-up evidence to those statements.

Spider Kitten are South Wales veterans (around for the best part of a decade now, so we're calling it) who have shifted, release to release, between Earth-hailing drone, mucky proto-grunge, big-booted doom and shimmery psychedelic rock. This is apparently an “improv drone set” which you can expect to move a lot of air. They have several tracks right here.

PUS was initially the project of two fellows from Merthyr named Rob and John, but swiftly added members and, in the last few months, have been witnessed playing sets of buzzing, feedback-consumed blackened punk sludge, as well as recording a 30-minute demo of the same. The battle at this show to play the slowest and puke the most distortion out of the amps will begin keenly. Check out some sounds.

This is all happening at Buffalo, Windsor Place, Cardiff and please note the early start/finish: 7pm doors, 10pm strict curfew. £5 on the door.

While we're here, it's a perfect juncture to also point you in the direction of a Lesson No.1 related show earlier in the week of our Conan show. We're DJing alongside hot live action from Action Beat, Brandyman and Saturday's Kids, again at Buffalo, on Monday 6 September, also a fiver on the door. It's brought to you by our friends The Joy Collective and Businessman Records; wander this way for more info.

And lastly, tickets are now on sale for the Swn festival in October. Lesson No.1 is involved in three gigs, two of which are already in our gigs list on the top right of this very page. And there's one more corker involving The Ex to be announced in full shortly. Awesome.