You thought the next bout of Lesson No.1 gig action was going to be Melt Banana. But you were wrong! What happened, you see, is that we were planning on putting on this 'alterntive pub quiz' thing to kick off our new monthly residency at the Buffalo Bar, but the only question we've come up with so far is 'Why is Fred Durst such a wanker?' (thanks to Noel Lesson No.1 for that one - it'll probably still appear, so get swotting) so when the opportunity came along to put on
The Peppermints instead, we thought well, guess that's far from the worst idea ever.
Fresh from a tour with friends (and
Paw Tracks paymeisters) Animal Collective, San Diego's The Peppermints play the sort of "experimental barfy trash-rock" that's sometimes compared to The Coachwhips, Melt Banana, and - hah! - GG Allin. If you were a chauvinist, you'd despair that such a guttural racket as
'Jesüs Chryst' would issue from the gullets of such lithe, slender young maidens (and one upstanding dude, who doesn't appear to be pictured above, but maybe that's his flip-flops). As it is, we propose you all come to new Cardiff venue The Buffalo Bar (formerly BSB) on October 26th, pay £3, and literally vomit your appreciation all over yourselves, your friends, and as much of the freshly-painted stagefront as you can manage. Aiding you in this task will be Bristol's
Hunting Lodge, a disgusting band of foul miscreants who sound like the last track on The Stooges' 'Funhouse' being played in a deserted abbatoir. We have nothing else to add.
Except thanks to everyone who came out to see Wives, Night & The City Of Broken Promises, and King Alexander the other night. Funny ol' gig, it were - here's a couple of pictures.
That's Wives...
That's Night & the City...
... and that there's King Alexander
Oh yeah, and check out the new
Kruger as well - it's got a great review of the USAIsAMonster show.
We never did put up that Consumer Electronics vid, did we?
Perhaps you can have it for Christmas.