Friday, January 21
Sunday, January 16
"These be some fucked-up fearful times... we're all hoping the Coachwhips can simplify the revolution with an explosive sound that'll drop yer pants to the ground. Republican Party, Democrat Party... fuck that noise, it's all about the DANCE PARTY..."
Now we don't want to distract you from the real big deal this month (ie the Kid Commando show, click here for a surfeit - nay, a panoply - of details) but we'd like to tell you a little bit about a band we've got coming over in March, the Coachwhips. San Fran's Coachwhips are the smacked-ass brainchild of John Dwyer, bug-eyed Providence veteran rock'n'roller who's previously laboured in about 937 other bands - most notably, Dig That Body Up It's Alive and Load Records' other incendiary masked two-piece, Pink And Brown.
Formed with keyboardist Mary Anne McNamara and drummer John Harlow in 2001, the Coachwhips have cranked out four progressively un-progressive, seat-of-the-pants deranged garage-punk records for Narnack Records, the most recent being last year's Weasel Walter-produced Bangers Vs. Fuckers and the forthcoming Peanut Butter And Jelly Live At The Ginger Minge. You can download a song of theirs, 'Made A Bomb' here, but if you've got the time (and RealPlayer) we recommend you download this short courtesy of defunct underground TV people Burn My Eye. There's this great bit towards the end where they're playing this impromtu outside show and Dwyer walks up to this gawping mong with a plastic bag and tries to have sex with him, eliciting the most epically half-hearted stage invasion of all time. Anyway, we're putting them on with Peel favorite Steveless (motto: "It's kind of like music!") and some other band in Cardiff's Dempseys on March 6th, so carve that date on a nearby surface.
Thursday, January 6
Do you like... the skewed percussive assault of bands like Arab On Radar and late-period Fugazi? Do you like... athletic Swedish men with pencil moustaches and unusual beards? Then you'll love... Kid Commando! We love Kid Commando. Their debut mini-album, 'Holy Kid Commando' - one of our favourites of last year - came out on Ache Records (who also brought you Death From Above 1979) and they've got another record out in April on Tigerbeat6, which seems like a funny old pairing, but that's just the way things are nowadays, isn't it? Anyway, we're putting them on in Newport Le Pub on January 24th, and you should come. Support comes from our friends the Martini Henry Rifles, whose 'Superbastard' LP is currently warming our turntable inna Brainiac/Big Black style, Jon Chapple (ex-Mclusky, God rest their fantastic soul), who'll be sharing with us the delights of his record collection, and one more band, Bristol's Male. They're pitched as “Karen O and Todd Trainer covering The Slits”. We'd buy that for a dollar. Smart MP3 over at their website, so scoot.
If you want to hear Kid Commando, there's MP3s up at the Ache Records site. If, however, you just want to look at some more nice photos, go here.