After taking May off for no other reason than no great shows worked out this month, ye olde Lesson No.1's noisy fun is back on Sunday 3 June with another show more random than the Eurovision Song Contest...
Houston, Texas collective Indian Jewelry deal in totally damaged psychedelic outpourings. Operating under a number of names since coming into being early this century, they've most recently had product on the Monitor, Tigerbeat6 and Lovepump labels. Expect gurgling cough syrup effects, battered electronics and post-punk attitude through a wall of guitar haze. A cross between Royal Trux, Suicide and Silver Apples. Maybe. Hear stuff here.
Suns Of Thunder are bearded good time amplifier worship down from Swansea for the evening. Bringing epic stoner/doom/Southern rock attitude, solo wigouts and mega low end are pretty much guaranteed. A new EP will be, well, new by the time this show comes around. Hit up their MySpace for ROCK.
True to his name, David Mysterious is a bit of a 'best kept secret' in terms of Welsh music. He's released one EP on the Peski label and will have an album along shortly. It will showcase, in one degree or another, his influences and touchstones: the long history of 'outsider music', 60s garage, American lo-fi (indie-era Beck, Mountain Goats, Guided By Voices) and cranky loopy pedal type stuff, which forms much of what he does live. Sweet! Evidence thisaway, y'all.
Also known as HL, Hurra Caine Landcrash is former Newport resident and film-maker Dan Hopkins. If you ever went to any of the No Ground Processes nights he was probably playing, or at least involved. He currently lives in Stoke-On-Trent and has continued with his incredibly blissed-out, dub-informed drone/soundscape material. But don't just believe us, have a listen.
The minutiae: downstairs at Clwb Ifor Bach, Womanby Street, Cardiff; 7.30pm-11pm, £5 adv. Get there early too as another night starts post-11pm, so things'll be kicking off kinda pronto after doors.
Can you put me in touch with Indian Jewelry please mate? Are they looking for more gigs? ta.
-jonny freenoise
Naturally it'd be a bit remiss to be giving out contact details to THE WHOLE INTERNETS, so send a mail to the address top right of this page if you'd be so kind...
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